"One stop shop" with Luncheon Hall
The Rosman Funeral Home is the oldest funeral provider in Beloit, since 1873 and we still offer services other Beloit funeral homes don't. At the Rosman Funeral Home, you can have your visitation, funeral or memorial service, luncheon with your family and friends and also ensure your private cremation is done on premises. Many families want that "one stop shop" experience that only Rosman Funeral Home can provide.
The Rosman Funeral Home uses an 11,000 square foot building to accomodate our families needs. We utilize a two room luncheon hall that can be catered in and can seat up to 100 people. Walk a mere 10 feet away from our chapel and sit and enjoy food and fellowship immediately after services. Off premise luncheons are a thing of the past.
On site Crematory - We are only one of a handful of funeral homes in the area that operate their own crematory. No additional third party cremation fees or crematory transportation fees. We handle these affairs in house and don't go to outside third parties or across state lines.
Rosman Uehling Kinzer Funeral Home
1125 Cranston Rd
Beloit, WI 53511 -
[email protected] -
(608) 364-4477 -
(608) 364-9060 -
https://rosmanfuneralhome.com -